Reformational Philosophy










In a new special issue of Philosophia Reformata,five European philosophers of religion engage critically with Alvin Plantinga’s recent book Where the Conflict Really Lies (2011).


One of the leading figures in the philosophy of religion in the English-speaking world since the 1950s, Alvin Plantinga (1932) has made key contributions to metaphysics and epistemology. His seminal work in the 60s and 70s has helped to resuscitate the philosophy of religion to its current status as a respectable and blossoming philosophical subdiscipline.


Where the Conflict Really Lies is written in clear, accessible and sometimes even outright funny prose, but remains characteristically rigorous. Plantinga argues for the provocative threefold conclusion that there is only alleged and superficial conflict between science and theistic religion, deep concord between science and Christianity, and deep conflict between science and naturalism. This conclusion is of course diametrically opposed to the conflict model that new atheists and many popular media continue to recycle.


The current issue of Philosophia Reformata, Volume 79 (2014) No. 1, is devoted entirely to a critical and constructive evaluation of Plantinga’s book. It has been guest edited by Jeroen de Ridder. Contributing authors are all philosophers who work at leading European universities and who share a strong interest in the relations between science and religion. Ignacio Silva (Oxford University) draws a comparison between Thomas Aquinas and Alvin Plantinga with respect to their views on special divine action. Esther Kroeker (University of Antwerp) explores the relations between Thomas Reid and Alvin Plantinga. Guest editor Jeroen de Ridder (VU University Amsterdam) examines Plantinga’s proposal for recasting design arguments as ‘design discourses’.  Daniel von Wachter (International Academy for Philosophy, Liechtenstein) criticizes Plantinga’s pessimistic evaluation of the force of design arguments. Elizabeth Burns (Heythrop College, London) argues against Plantinga’s proposed responses to the problem of evil. Finally, Alvin Plantinga (University of Notre Dame/Calvin College) responds to his critics.


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Additional information


Current subscribers to Philosophia Reformata can already get online access to Volume 79 (2014), no. 1,  the special issue on Plantinga, at:


The special issue can be ordered in print for € 20,– at the Association for Reformational Philosophy in Amersfoort, The Netherlands. Price includes shipping worldwide.
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