Reformational Philosophy

Philosophia Reformata

Welcome to Philosophia Reformata 

International Philosophical Journal for Christianity, Science & Society. 

Philosophia Reformata is a philosophical journal which welcomes contributions that contain philosophical reflection in relation to the Christian tradition. Articles are broadly philosophical in nature, including interdisciplinary approaches in which philosophical reflection forms a substantive element.


Contributions may either focus on philosophical themes in relation to Christianity (e.g., being, truth, knowledge, the good, religion, personhood, and others), or on themes in the sciences, the humanities, ethics, and professional practices, also in relation to Christianity (e.g., themes relating to normativity, responsibility, care, natural and social sciences, politics, economics, environmental sciences, and/or technology).


Articles for publication in Philosophia Reformata can be submitted online through Editorial Manager:


ISSN: 0031-8035

© Association for Reformational Philosophy


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