Reformational Philosophy

In memoriam: John Kok and Elaine Botha

In Memoriam: John Kok (1949-2020)

On the 5th of July 2020, John Kok passed away at the age of 71. He worked the largest part of his career at Dordt University in Sioux Center (Iowa, USA) as teacher of philosophy and also as Dean at various levels.

John Kok was actively involved in reformational philosophy, and represented the Association for Reformational Philosophy in the United States. In 1971, he came to The Netherlands to study philosophy at the Free University Amsterdam, where he obtained a PhD in 1992. During his time in Amsterdam, John Kok worked together with Hendrik van Riessen and Jacob Klapwijk.

John Kok was also active for the Vollenhoven Foundation, as member of the board. He did a lot of research to the early work of this founding father of reformational philosophy, and also translated parts of Vollenhoven’s work to English.

Click here to read a more extensive in memoriam on the website of the Institute for Christian Studies in Canada.


In Memoriam: Elaine Botha (1938-2020)

On the 8th of July 2020, Elaine Botha passed away. She was also internationally very active for reformational philosophy. She studied philosophy at the Free University Amsterdam, advised by Hendrik van Riessen and André Troost. Between 1995 and 2004, she was respectively vice-president and director of the Dooyeweerd Centre at Redeemer University in Canada. She also taught philosophy at different universities.

Later in life, Elaine Botha married the Dutch economist Bob Goudzwaard, with whom she lived in South-Africa.

Click here to read a more extensive in memoriam on the website of the Institute for Christian Studies in Canada.