Reformational Philosophy




Paideia Press comes with a new paperback edition of Dooyeweerd’s ‘New Critique of Theoretical Thought’.


Paideia Press director Kerry Hollingworth says that his company is working on volume one of the NCTT. ‘The cover is basically finished and the text is complete’, he says. However,  he continues, ‘there is still a question about whether the text is compliant with the printing protocols but we are getting close. We will be producing the set in four volumes rather than in the two double volumes we brought out in 1984. We have not yet set the price for these volumes but we are hoping that they will be somewhere in the twelve to fifteen dollar range.’


Keep an eye on our website for more upcoming news about this new book. 




On Reformation Day 2014 (31 Oct) the Theological University Kampen is honoured to have dr. Wright present at a conference devoted to his work. Wright is best known for the academic series Christian Origins and the Question of God. This series is widely regarded as pioneering and influential in the study of the New Testament. In 2010 the fourth part of the series appeared: Paul and the Faithfulness of God. Wright teaches at St. Mary’s College, the Theological Faculty of St. Andrews. Previously, he was the bishop of Durham in the Church of England (2003-2010).



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